Global Media Outreach


How To Pray For Your Family

Global Media Outreach was established on a foundation of prayer. Our team comes together daily to pray, and when we ask you, our community, to share joys and concerns that we can lift up in prayer, most prayer requests center on one thing: family. The concerns are often related to a child or grandchild who has gone astray or left their faith entirely.

Nothing in life touches our hearts, minds, and spirits like our families do. This is personal. It is real. The pain is deep and cutting when disappointment and brokenness enter those relationships. We know the anxiety and heartache that family issues can cause.

As a support to you, we have gathered several of the most common themes into a guide for praying over your children and grandchildren – for those who:

  • Have walked away from their faith
  • Are living dangerous lifestyles
  • Have chosen a different path than you imagined

If you identify with any of these, please know you are not alone. We hope that you’ll find comfort and inspiration in these pages. May the messages, Scripture, and prayer prompts help to lighten your load and strengthen your family’s bonds.


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