Global Media Outreach


What is Happening in the Middle East?

Read a first-hand report of what it is like to become a Christian in the Middle East and then listen to an update from our Middle East North Africa team.

To hear an audio update from our Middle East North Africa team select the button.


Life-and-death situations continue to unfold daily in the Middle East. But, Global Media Outreach is reaching this war-torn area with the Gospel message.

Right now, many in the Middle East have lost loved ones, while others are still waiting to hear news of their missing family members. Our hearts are heavy, and we continue to pray, as we know you do, knowing that no one is promised tomorrow. 

In the 2023 fiscal year, over 400,000 contacts with a Muslim-faith background reached out to talk with one of our Online Missionaries in the Middle East North Africa (MENA)  region. Over 90% of those contacts have NEVER had a conversation with a Christian.

Zara is one of the many Middle Eastern seekers who have come to know Jesus. 


Zara’s Story

Zara felt so confused. She never imagined she would have so many questions about God. Yet, she did.

Zara’s upbringing in the Islamic faith and culture permeated every aspect of her life. She didn’t feel comfortable talking with anyone she knew, so she used Google for answers. That is when she saw one of our Arabic ads about Jesus!

Curiosity and anxiety both tugged at Zara as she clicked the ad. It was about experiencing disappointment and loneliness in relationships and how Jesus offers real love. With anticipation and excitement, Zara carefully filled out the form for more information.


Online Missionary (OM) Salima responded to Zara. Salima told Zara about Jesus, shared Scripture, and presented the Gospel. Salima answered each question Zara asked in detail, but still, Zara struggled.

Salima told Zara about a weekly virtual discipleship group where she could learn from other believers, ask questions, and even pray…all while staying anonymous. Zara was intrigued to learn more about this person named Jesus, so she agreed to attend.



After participating in the discipleship group, Zara wrote to Salima, sharing, “I have an unfamiliar feeling I can’t explain.”

Salima prayed for Zara and shared how the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts. He was the unfamiliar feeling!

A few days later, Zara contacted Salima and asked if they could pray the salvation prayer together. Since accepting Christ, Zara has been on a path of discipleship, finding joy in her newfound beliefs.

These weekly virtual discipleship groups in the Middle East are reaching many people like Zara. In 2023, the MENA Team had one of its strongest years. Three years ago, there were no Muslim contacts from the Middle East participating in our discipleship groups.

Today, as of February 22, 2024, our virtual Arabic discipleship group has 1,150 individuals attending each week! Not only that, but our MENA team reports they have 60 people waiting to be baptized in some of the most dangerous parts of the world! God is actively at work amid a war-torn Middle East.

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