Global Media Outreach


Coffee Chat with Jeff & Jamie: Professional Journey

Jeff Gowler and Jamie Radtke chatting about their professional journeys

In the second of three coffee chats, Global Media Outreach’s new CEO & President, Jamie Radtke, sits down with GMO’s retiring CEO & President, Jeff Gowler, to discuss her personal journey into ministry and professional background and experience.

In the second of three coffee chats, Global Media Outreach’s retiring CEO & President, Jeff Gowler, sits down with GMO’s new CEO & President, Jamie Radtke, to discuss her personal and professional journey into ministry and leadership.

God placed ministry in Jamie’s heart at a young age. At only 16 years old, Jamie wanted to start a Fellowship of Christian Athletes group at her high school. When she faced opposition, she later grew to understand how much she wanted to advance her worldview in the public sector. She studied government, then pursued her master’s degree and became involved in politics for over 20 years. Jamie’s political career culminated in her running for the U.S. Senate. Although she did not win the race, she was reading the book of Ezekial and heard God speak to her through it, saying, “I’m going to put the words in your mouth whether they listen or not.”

During Jamie’s public service in the political arena, she met many different people from all walks of life, many of whom came to know Christ. After the race for Senate, she began pondering the idea of using the same technology and strategy required to mobilize people to polls on election day and talk to them about the issues they care about but instead generate information on the issues people cared about, explain how the issues related to their desire for a relationship with God, and mobilize them into churches.

This idea led to Jamie becoming president of the U.S.-focused ministry, Explore God. God has directed Jamie’s path as she has faithfully followed Him through each step.

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