Global Media Outreach

Jeff Gowler and Jamie Radtke chatting about their professional journeys

Coffee Chat with Jeff & Jamie: Professional Journey

In the second of three coffee chats, Global Media Outreach’s new CEO & President, Jamie Radtke, sits down with GMO’s retiring CEO & President, Jeff Gowler, to discuss her personal journey into ministry and professional background and

Michelle Diedrich interview

Life Lessons of a New Heart

Chief Experience Officer Michelle Diedrich shares with Pastor and Influencer Jesse Bradley how her husband’s heart transplant has paralleled the spiritual lessons of receiving a new heart from God.

how technology is changing missions

How is Digital Technology Changing Missions Today?

When people think of being a missionary, they typically think of traveling to another country to share their faith. However, Global Media Outreach is challenging the Church to think of missions a bit differently.