Global Media Outreach


Becoming Family in Christ

Yipsi blog story

Yipsi had a wonderful childhood in Venezuela. She grew up attending church, with loving parents who worked to help her form a relationship with Christ. But though she went through the motions, she felt no genuine connection to any of it.

“I began thinking the church just wasn’t right for me, that something was missing. . . . I had no purpose and I felt empty.” —Yipsi

As time went on, Yipsi knew she had to try something. So she chose to commit to looking more deeply at her faith. She began to study the Bible more closely. Through this, Yipsi came to realize that Jesus was the only one who could fill the void in her life. She longed to know more about Him and His plan for her life.

“It was like nothing I had experienced before and the hunger to know more only grew.” —Yipsi

She found El Camino Hacia Dios (The Path to God)—one of Global Media Outreach’s online ministries—on Facebook. She reached out and began to talk with Pastor Reuben, one of our Online Missionaries. Reuben sent her daily devotionals and prayer, and they continued to talk as Yipsi grew in her faith. Ultimately, she found her own church home.

“The church I connected to welcomed me as if they had known me for years. The joy and acceptance was what I really desired and where I found my purpose.” —Yipsi

Yipsi is now an active member. She is part of the woman’s prayer ministry and looks for opportunities to serve. Because of her personal journey to Christ, she particularly enjoys making people feel loved and welcomed.

“Global Media Outreach has been a gift.” —Yipsi

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